During the Question Hour, Eknath Khadse and Tara Singh (both BJP), Jaiprakash Mundada (Shiv Sena), Prithviraj Chavan (Congress) and Shashikant Shinde (NCP) grilled the Minister of State for Food and Drugs Madan Yerawar over seizure of oil stock worth Rs 94 lakh from the company's godown in Panvel.
To a question from Sharad Sonawane (MNS), Yerawar said the Food and Drugs Department raided the godown and seized blended edible vegetable oil stocks.
The Department then served a notice to Adani Wilmar under the Food Safety Act, the minister said.
Not satisfied with the reply, MLAs across party lines asked why no first information report (FIR) was lodged.
Yerawar assured that the Department would look into this aspect after receiving reply to the notice.
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