A group of people, under the banner of Hindu Krantikari Sena, allegedly attacked AAP workers when they gathered at Ram Bagh Garden here to unfurl the national flag, forcing them to run away from the place.
AAP convener Ashok Talwar, who was at the spot, alleged that the unruly crowd uprooted the pole, tore national flags and thrashed workers of AAP.
Talwar claimed that the protesters comprising young boys and girls were shouting against AAP leader and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for speaking against BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi.
"It was a narrow escape for all the AAP activists including women who fled from the scene otherwise they might have been killed by the angry mob," he alleged.
AAP members alleged that the attack was a pre-planned move to sabotage the Republic Day function organised by the AAP here.