According to police, the incident occurred at the mobile shop located in Narela industrial area. The showroom owner, identified as Lokesh, who had just opened the shop at around 8.30 am, was looted when two armed masked men came on a motorcycle and pushed him inside the shop.
Victim claims that robbers tried to take away a bag containing cash for which he resisted but was attacked by them. Robbers tied him with telephone wire to a chair and pointed the gun on his head and asked to give them the money, police said.
As soon robbers escaped from the spot, Lokesh shouted for help and police was informed.
According to police, there was no CCTV camera installed inside the shop. Police is scanning the camera footage which was installed near the shop to get details of the robbers.
"After initial investigation, it looks like a work of an insider who knew that Lokesh was alone at the shop. The robbers knew about Lokesh's timing of reaching the shop," said a police officer.