"The Bengali playback songs, penned by modern day lyricists, are backed by over 25 per cent of the present day audience. (This is) An improvement from the situation years back when only basic albums with modern day imagery and thoughts got popularity from a section of the audience," the national award winner for Jaatismar told PTI here.
Rupankar, busy with recording a song for 'Daakbaksho', said he had no regrets for not being considered for the national award in playback category previously.
Observing popularity of film music even now boils down to its acceptance among the masses, he said, "A song like Khokababu for obvious reasons has huge following which you will not see in the other genre of film music."
"I am happy my upcoming track in 'Dakbaksho' can't be slotted in the category which is enjoyed by by the audience munching pop corn. I simply am not okay with that music, but can you disown it on popularity and acceptance counts!," Rupankar said.
Made by debutant director Abhijit Choudhury Daakbaksho is a tale on human relationships.