"Chief Minister Narendra Modi talked to Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal and assured him that there is no question of Sikhs being pressurised to move back to Punjab," a statement issued by the Gujarat CM's office said here today.
"All reports suggesting that the Gujarat government has adopted discriminatory and unjust policies towards Sikhs settled in the Kutch region, are politically motivated and total lies being spread by vested interests," it said.
It was reported that certain group of Sikhs settled in Kutch raised the issue of being deprieved of land ownerships though they had settled there since more then 50 years ago.
They had also reportedly made representation to Punjab Chief Minister Prakash Singh Badal in this regard, after which the Punjab government contemplated sending a delegation to Gujarat to discuss the issue.
In June last year, the Gujarat High Court gave a judgment favouring these farmers and held the Gujarat government's order "illegal", against which the Gujarat government moved the Supreme Court and a Special Leave Petition is pending.