"Tamil Nadu was divided between AIADMK and DMK and people had no choice beyond them. They waste their time to finish off each other. When AIADMK is in power, it targets DMK and vice-versa. They are not worried about the welfare of the people," he charged at an election rally here.
His sharp attack on AIADMK came hours after Jayalalithaa surprised the saffron party with her first ever barb in her campaign, painting the BJP and Congress with the same brush on the issue of inter-state Cauvery water sharing.
Jayalalithaa's soft approach towards the BJP by not talking about it in her electioneering has attracted strong criticism by her political opponents including Congress leader P Chidambaram, who had described AIADMK as the B-Team of BJP.
However, slamming Congress, DMK and BJP for their "betrayal" of the state on the vexed river water dispute, Jayalalithaa today asked the electorate to give a firm drubbing to the candidates of all three parties, saying they should lose deposit.