The BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate said India has become a country of "under-achievers" due to lack of planning and there was a need to come out of this situation by building an atmosphere of trust.
"If we had planned well we would have reached great heights. Today, India has become a country of under-achievers. There is no dearth of opportunity for growth of industry in the country. There is a need to come out of this despair. An atmosphere of confidence and trust is very important in India now," he said addressing a FICCI meet.
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Taking on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, he said, "Our Prime Minister likes to speak about 'inclusive growth'. Until we build capacity among poor through education, how can it happen?
Stressing on the need for a holistic approach, the Gujarat Chief Minister said, "If we keep on exporting minerals, the country will not generate employment or development. With every resource, a holistic approach is very necessary."
Blaming the existing regime for the ill-health of the economy, Modi said, "When we talk about growth, infrastructure comes in and that is dependent on the energy sector.Industries are shut because of shortage of fuel. Someone has to take responsibility. The reason for disappointment is that nobody accepts responsibility in this country.