Modi, who reached the venue at 10.45 AM along with Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik, was received by Lalu and Mulayam at the 'Tilak ceremony' of Mainpuri MP Tej Pratap Yadav alias Teju with Lalu's youngest daughter Raj Laxmi.
Tej Pratap said no politics should be seen in the Prime Minister's visit.
"There is no politics in his visit. He was extended an invitation. We are grateful to him for visiting us and give his blessings. The opposition to him is issue based and not the personal," he said.
The Prime Minister, who was seated between Lalu and Mulayam posed with family members including children of UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and showered flower petals on the bridegroom.
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Modi left the venue after spending 45 minutes at the ceremony.
A beaming Lalu said, "I am happy that my daughter's marriage is a much talked about affair in the entire country. Mulayam Singh has not demanded single paisa (dowry) for the marriage as our hearts have met."
Former UP and Uttrakahand CM, Narain Dutt Tiwari, former SP leader Amar Singh, BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj and JD(U) President Sharad Yadav were also present.