The Union minister for Commerce and Industry, while reacting to Modi's address in Chhattisgarh from a replica of Red Fort, said people of India will never give him a chance to address the nation from Red Fort.
"Unfortunately for Modi, people of India will never give him a chance to address the country from Red Fort and he would have to satiate his desire by addressing people from replicas of Red Fort," Sharma said.
Tearing into Modi's claims of Gujarat's development, the Union minister said, Modi is "befooling" people by boasting about his Gujarat model of development.
Claiming that Gujarat model of development was a "flop", Sharma said that Gujarat was the most indebted state with highest number of malnutrition children, highest post middle drop out rate.
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"The boastful claims of investment of billions of rupees coming to Gujarat made by Modi at various conclave were false and misleading," he said.
Referring to increasing foreign trade deficit and falling value of rupee, Sharma said that "the situation was concerning but it is rubbish to compare it with 1991".