Union minister Prakash Javadekar also used a news channel sting, which purportedly showed some leaders from rival parties offering to change old currency notes for a commission, to attack Congress, SP and BSP and taunted Gandhi saying he should rename All India Congress Committee as All India Currency Conduit.
The sting has exposed the true face of these parties opposing demonetisation, he told a press conference at the BJP headquarters, and said while Prime Minister Narendra Modi was working to change the country, the Opposition was changing notes for a commission.
"We demand that Congress, SP, BSP and NCP tender an apology to the nation. Merely taking action against individuals won't do," he said.
Mocking the Congress vice president over his "personal corruption" jibe at Modi, Javadekar said Congress has become "commission agent" while the world has come to appreciate the Prime Minister's "spotless" character in the two and a half years of his rule.
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Responding to Gandhi's dig that Modi speaks to pop
concerts but not in Parliament, Javadekar said the Prime Minister is working every day unlike him who had "disappeared" for 50 days.
Mocking his claim that there will be earthquake when he speaks, the Union minister said the ground under feet will give way when he speaks.
"We want him to speak. It benefits us."
Raking up AgustaWestland scam, he sought to know who is the "AP", an alleged bribe-receiver.
A debate had there even started by Opposition members did not allow Jithender Reddy, a TRS member, to speak.
Referring to the sting, Javadekar said the purported Congress leader offering to change old notes for a hefty commission headed a government body under the previous Congress government in Delhi. There are photographs of his with Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, he claimed.
Taking a dig at Gandhi, BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli said he was practising shoot and scoot, and spit and run tactics to stay relevant in the media.
"If Rahul Gandhi wants to become another Arvind Kejriwal of Indian politics, then who are we to stop him," he said.
If he is so keen to speak in Parliament, then why members of Congress and other Opposition parties are disrupting it, he asked.
Dismissing Gandhi's allegation that the prime minister was scared, Kohli said the nation and world have come to see how "bold and fearless" Modi was.