Modi, who has made a couple of trips to the region during the current election campaign and accused the CPA government of neglecting it, is exploring setting up an expert group to advise him on how to revamp the Ministry of DONER (Development of North East Region) if NDA comes to power.
Sources said the Gujarat Chief Minister has asked his think tanks to draw up a comprehensive plan to tap the potential of the huge water resources in the region.
He had also proposed at a recent meeting of the Chief Ministers of north east states send 1,6000 women police personnel to Gujarat so that they could create awareness about people on the region's rich culture and heritage, which in turn, would boost the tourism industry there.
Modi has also asked the party units in the north eastern states to focus on the aspirations of more than 400 insular ethnic groups in the region, which has 25 Lok Sabha seats. Congress-led UPA has 21 of these seats.