Addressing a campaign rally for Maharashtra Assembly polls here, Pawar said, "BJP, during the campaign for Lok Sabha elections, promised good days ahead. People voted for BJP and Narendra Modi has become the Prime Minister. But in the last three months, the Modi government has stabbed the farmers in the back by stopping the export of sugar and revoking the subsidy to the cane growers."
The former union agriculture minister claimed that farmers in Uttar Pradesh realised this, and that was why BJP bit the dust in that state in the recent byelections.
Pawar also reminded the audience that UPA government had granted a loan waiver of Rs 70,000 crore for the farmers, which was an unparallelled move.
Referring to Modi's jibe that Pawar was scared of contesting Lok Sabha election this time and opted for Rajya Sabha membership instead, the NCP chief said, "Modi may not know that I have contested 14 elections, seven each for Assembly and Lok Sabha, so far and got elected."
Pawar did not criticise Shiv Sena in his speech, while targeting both BJP and Congress.