Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Thursday said the "appeasement politics" of the "secular syndicate" has hindered empowerment of minorities, particularly Muslims in the past but the BJP government has made them "equal partners" in development.
Inaugurating a meeting of the BJP Uttar Pradesh Minority Morcha, the Union minister for minority affairs said the Modi government has worked for minorities' "empowerment without appeasement" and their "development with dignity".
He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's commitment to inclusive growth has ensured making the poor and weaker sections, including minorities "equal partners in the development process."
Elaborating upon his remarks that the Minorities Morcha members had taken exception to in the meeting, MLC Nawab later said, "I had only tried to make them understand that as far as temple is concerned, it will be built in Ayodhya."
"If not in Ayodhya, will it be built in Pakistan or Afghanistan? This is the matter of belief of over 80 crore Hindus."