Karnataka Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy Friday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of launching a smear campaign against his government on the issue of cash benefit transfer to farmers under the recently launched ambitious PM-Kisan scheme.
At a BJP rally in Kalaburgi in Karnataka on March 6, Modi had said the state government was not sharing the details of farmers eligible for cash benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) scheme.
The scheme, announced in the Union Budget in February, provides for cash transfer of 6,000 per year in three installments to 12 crore small and marginal farmers holding cultivable land up to 2 hectares. The Centre has decided to give the first instalment of Rs 2,000 by March.
"At a public rally in Gulbarga, the prime minister claimed the state government is not sharing details of eligible farmers and blocking cash transfer to farmers. It is spreading misinformation," Kumaraswamy told reporters.
Modi criticised the state government on the implementation of the PM-Kisan scheme. "It was not expected of his stature to do," he said.
Kumaraswamy said about 59.48 lakh farmers in the state will benefit under the scheme. The state government has so far submitted the details of 3.45 lakh eligible farmers to the central government.
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"Out of 3.45 lakh farmers, the Centre has transferred Rs 2,000 to only six farmers. Surprisingly, out of six bank accounts of farmers, one account has received Rs 950 instead of Rs 2,000. This is the level of Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme of Modi government," he claimed.
Kumaraswamy said that the central government has rejected 40,000 farmers' accounts for lack of details such as IFSC code.
"Aadhaar number details were provided and there was no need for the central government to reject," he said.