Modi tweeted this today along with a photograph showing him with Obama with a caption: "Sharing our 'Mann Ki Baat' during the recording of the radio programme. Tune in on 27th January at 8 PM IST for the special episode! #MannKiBaat #Radio #USA #India."
Sources said the recording of the programme was done this afternoon at Hyderabad House and it is going to be nearly 35 minute-long, which is longer than Modi's previous 'Man Ki Baat editions.
The Prime Minister, who in this episode conducts the show himself, will be heard speaking in the programme in both Hindi and English and has chosen questions related to the topic Indo-US relations, sources said.
This is the first time that 'Mann ki Baat' will have a guest appearing along with Modi, sharing the airwaves.
Sources said AIR has received substantial ads for this broadcast.
Apart from AIR, Modi's 'Mann ki Baat' radio addresses were carried widely on Doordrashan as well and several private radio and TV channels.
The Information and Broadcasting Ministry suggested that private radio channels, private news and current affairs TV channels and community radios may also broadcast the same simultaneously by availing free feed from AIR and DD News.
AIR sources also said certain arrangements had been made to ensure that the content of the programme is available outside the country as the upcoming broadcast has generated interest abroad as well.
Modi has been addressing the nation over radio every month since October last through the 'Mann Ki Baat' programme.
Reflecting the growing Indo-US ties, Obama decided to join Modi in the monthly address during his ongoing three-day visit.
The Prime Minister, while making the announcement on January 22, said, "This month's 'Mann Ki Baat' episode will be a special one, where our Republic Day guest @BarackObama & I will share our thoughts together."
He had invited questions from the public, saying, "'Mann Ki Baat' with President @BarackObama will not be complete without your participation! Send your Qs till the 25th, using #AskObamaModi...AskObamaModi & be a part of this memorable 'Mann Ki Baat' programme, illustrating a special bond between India &USA."
Significantly, when Modi visited the US in September last year, he and Obama had written a joint Op-Ed in a major American daily.