"Prime Minister Narendra Modi's decisive leadership style, combined with the 2014 election of an absolute majority in the lower house of Parliament of his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), will enable more decisive Indian decision making on domestic and foreign policy," James R Clapper, Director of National Intelligence during a Congressional hearing.
India wants to maintain a stable peace with Pakistan but views Pakistan as a direct terrorism threat and a regional source of instability, he said.
India is concerned about the stability of Afghanistan and its own presence there following the drawdown of international forces and is looking for options to blunt the influence of Pakistan-supported groups and ensure that Afghanistan does not revert to a haven for anti-Indian militants, he added.
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"New Delhi's concern over perceived Chinese aggressiveness along the disputed border and in the Indian Ocean is probably growing in light of border incidents and the visit of a Chinese submarine to Sri Lanka in 2014," Clapper said.
Testifying before the same committee, Lt Gen Vincent Stewart, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said India is in the midst of a major military modernisation effort to address problems with its ageing equipment and to better posture itself to defend against both Pakistan and China.