Official sources said as part of the special measures undertaken for securing the Gujarat Chief Minister during the over two-month long political campaign, the number of NSG 'black cat' commandos have been increased and the Advanced Security Liaison (ASL) teams have been provided with experts from bomb disposal and intelligence for the first time.
The ASL, which comprises officials of the National Security Guard (NSG) and Gujarat police, had been asked to scan and prepare advance dossiers and assessment reports of the venues and possible spots where Modi was supposed to visit.
"The intention was to keep the proximate security squad of the VVIP fresh so that their reflexes are second to none," officials said.
A fully-armed backup contingent of the NSG commandos was always on standby at a location in Gujarat which could immediately air dash to a location as a reinforcement or replacement squad for Modi, officials said.
Modi is a 'Z+' category protectee of the NSG and this is the highest level of security provided to VVIPs in the country a notch just closer to the SPG security which is provided to the Prime Minister and his immediate family.