In an apparent reference to Chidambaram's 2009 victory in Lok Sabha polls from Sivaganga after a recounting of votes, the Gujarat Chief Minister described him as the "Recounting Minister" and charged him with displaying 'excessive arrogance' while leaving the country's economy in bad shape.
"UPA government has a Recounting Minister. He lost (the election) but won in recounting. He is from Tamil Nadu. He thinks he was the first in the queue when God was distributing knowledge," Modi said without naming Chidambaram.
"He (the Finance minister) said Modi's knowledge of economics can be written behind a postage stamp. The Congress- led UPA is headed by an eminent economist (Prime Minister Manmohan Singh). The Finance Minister also thinks himself to be equally efficient. He thinks nobody else is more intelligent than him.
"Only if you paste the postal stamp will the letter be delivered. I have proved myself through delivery (in Gujarat)," the BJP leader said.
While the NDA-led government had in 2004 ensured an over eight per cent grwoth rate, "as per your own statistics, Mr Recounting Minister, the GDP growth was 4.5 per cent in 2012-13," Modi said.