"Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his one-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir, will address a public rally at Srinagar and at Baglihar (in Ramban district) on November 7", BJP State President and MP Jugal Kishore Sharma said.
Sharma along with Deputy CM Nirmal Singh held a core group meeting here this evening to discuss necessary preparations and finalize matters related to PM's rallies in the state.
Sharma said party activists have been asked to mobilize the public to make these rallies successful so that a clear message is sent across the state that BJP want development, peace and prosperity, for which the coalition government is working round the clock.
Nirmal Singh, who is also the state Power Minister, said that the Prime Minister will commission and dedicate 450 MW Baglihar Power Project to the nation besides laying the foundation stone for four laning of Udhampur-Banihal National Highway stretch.
The Cooperative Minister Tsering Dorjey, Member of Parliament Shamsher Singh Manhas, Vice President and MLA Sat Sharma, State General Secretary (Org) Ashok Koul, State General Secretaries Munish Sharma, Narinder Singh and Rajiv Jasrotia also attended the meeting.