"BJP is dreaming at the behest of RSS to make Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi the country's prime minister, but it will remain only a dream. Like 2004 and 2009, it will suffer a humiliating defeat in the elections," Yadav said, while addressing a poll rally in support of Ambesh Kumari Ahirwar, the SP candidate from the Tikamgarh Lok Sabha seat.
Claiming that the BJP is left only with Modi, he said that after former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, there is no leader who is "acceptable to all" in the BJP and even senior party leader L K Advani has been disrespected at the behest of the RSS.
He said that if his party played a major role in forming the government at the Centre, it would ensure that people get free treatment for heart diseases, kidney diseases and cancer.