"Money power will not work in Tamil Nadu in the coming Assembly elections, as people's heart desires for a change of government in the state," he told an election meeting organised by BJP here tonight.
People of Tamil Nadu have new aspirations. They want development in the state and BJP was willing to work for it, he said.
"In the 22 months (since coming to power at the Centre), we have proved ourselves and we will prove in Tamil Nadu. In a democracy, voters are Gods and they should bring change in Tamil Nadu," Javadekar said.
Forty coal fields had been auctioned for Rs three lakh crore though it was earlier estimated to fetch Rs 1.86 lakh crore, he said.
He also said the Centre was taking a series of steps to control the prices of pulses.
"We have announced a series of incentives for the farmers who produce pulses. Next year your sambar will be cheaper," he said.