The Mizoram government Wednesday informed the Gauhati High Court that money would not be disbursed to the selected beneficiaries under its flagship NLUP-NEDP Convergence scheme before the court gives its final order.
Mizoram government advocate B Deb told this to the bench of Justice S Serto.
The next hearing is on Thursday.
The Congress government in the state, through the ruling party legislators, had selected over 16,000 beneficiaries of New Land Use Policy-New Economic Development Policy Convergence scheme for payment of Rs one lakh to each family.
They wanted to do this before the announcement of dates of the state assembly polls due in December.
Social activist Vanramchhuangi, popularly known as Ruatfela Nu, filed a public interest litigation (PIL) in the Gauhati High Court's Aizawl bench alleging that the state government was using public money for political gains.
The high court had earlier instructed the state government not to go ahead with distributing money without transparent guidelines.