The month-long session will be a test for Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde who has been made the Leader of the Lok Sabha in the wake of exit of Pranab Mukherjee, who has been the chief troubleshooter of the government for eight-long years.
Riots in Assam, which the Prime Minister has dubbed as a blot on the nation, are likely to witness charges and counter-charges between the Congress and the opposition as also the death of Amarnath pilgrims.
A spate of railway accidents, including the one involving the Tamil Nadu Express, is expected to be utilised by a section of the opposition to drive a wedge in the ruling UPA as Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress is in charge of the key ministry.
Pune blasts as also the collapse of the power grid in the North and the east are among the issues that are likely to be raised by the opposition.
With the monsoon playing truant in several parts of the country, the focus would also turn to the drought situation amid demands for a national water policy and a better deal for farmers.
The Left parties have taken up the issue of the Food Security bill in a big way. They are also expected to take up the killing of tribals in Chhattisgarh and the violence at the Maruti plant in Manesar. (More)