Those who assumed charge are Rajnath Singh as Home Minister, Nitin Gadkari as Road Transport & Highways Minister, Ashok Gajapathi Raju as Civil Aviation Minister, Prakash Javadekar as Environment Minister and Gen (retd) V K Singh as Minister for Development of North Eastern Region.
Kiren Rijiju took charge as the Minister of State for Home Affairs.
Rajnath, the BJP President, paid floral tributes to the country's first Home Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel at his statue near Parliament before taking up the new responsibility.
Raju, who took over as Civil Aviation Minister, said he would strive to create a level-playing field for all players in the sector and make the aviation sector more people- oriented."
Javadekar, as Environment Minister, promised to ensure "fast clearances" to infrastructure projects in a transparent manner.
V K Singh said his top priority would be to enhance infrastructure, providing job opportunities to youths and boosting economic growth in the North Eastern states.