"For the past two days donations have swelled and we have received over Rs 80 lakh yesterday and Rs 35 lakh today. This easily crosses the one crore figure," said a party leader.
The donations have come from within India and across the globe. Donation have come from party supporters from Singapore, USA, Belgium, Oman, Canada, Japan, Germany and Australia. A donor from Tamil Nadu today donated Rs 1 lakh while the minimum amount that was donated was Rs 10.
"Reached Varanasi. Will go to Amethi on 20th. Need clean money to fight Modi and Rahul. Pl sms me at 9868069953 if u wish to donate. Pl RT (retweet)," he had tweeted. The tweet has been retweeted by over 2000 people.
The Varanasi team had also asked for 10 laptops a few days back.