The chairperson and managing director of Biocon has joined the board of a Bengaluru-based not-for-profit organisation run by actress Deepika Padukone, who herself has battled depression and shared her story of struggle and how she coped with it.
"Mental health is an area that requires sustained effort and multi-stakeholder engagement. Kiran's experience with large, focused organisations that deliver sustained and impactful outcomes across stakeholder groups will be extremely beneficial as the scale of our activities continues to grow year on year," the 31-year-old Bollywood actress said.
India is home to the largest number of mental health patients in the world with at least 50 million Indians estimated to be undergoing depression at any one point in time, according to the Indian Psychiatric Society's President Dr G Prasad Rao.
"As a member of the The Live Love Laugh Foundation (TLLLF) Board, I intend to help with greater government engagement in order to shape policy around mental health in India.