Additional Sessions Judge of Mahila Court Meena Sathish also convicted two persons, who have helped the mother in pushing her daughters into prostitution and other charges for 20 years, which they can serve concurrently for 10 years.
Based on a complaint by an NGO 'International Justice Mission' in 2005 that one Jaya Shree of Madurai was forcing her juvenile daughters into prostitution with the aid of three persons, the CBCID had filed a case.
On completion of investigation, a charge sheet was filed against all the accused including the mother and 14 witnesses and other evidence were examined during the trial at the Mahila Court.
The Judge sentenced the mother for 10 years for procuring minor girls for illicit intercourse, another 10 years for selling minors for prostitution, seven years for knowingly living off the earning of prostitution, seven years for procuring persons for prostitution and seven years for seduction of minors for prostitution, in addition to a total fine of Rs 35,000.
Each of the aides were imposed a fine of Rs 20,000.
International Justice Mission is a human-rights organisation that assists government authorities in their efforts against human trafficking.