While consolidated revenue grew to Rs 456 crore, up 54 per cent, the company said this was driven by the housing finance arm which clipped at 143 per cent and the asset management businesses that notched up a 56 per cent growth, followed by the capital market businesses at 26.
The capital markets businesses collectively contributed 38 per cent of revenues compared to 46 per cent a year ago, while housing finance related income jumped 143 per cent to Rs 153 crore as its loan book rose 136 per cent to Rs 3,320 crore and broking and related revenues rose 18 per cent to Rs 157 crore.
Margins improved to 20 per cent from 17 per cent a year ago, while ROE rose to 23 per cent from 12 per cent. This was excluding the unrealised gains on investments in Motilal Oswal's mutual fund products of Rs 193 crore, it added.
Oswal said, "Our strategy to transform the business model is showing results, as our revenues and profits are now well balanced between asset management, housing finance and capital markets businesses.
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"Our asset mobilisation continued at a very strong pace. Expansion of the housing finance network and the loan book is going as per plan. We are working towards our strategic imperative to generate 20 per cent ROE on a sustainable basis," he said.
In retail broking and distribution, online business continues to grow, forming 44 per cent of retail volumes from 31 per cent. Mobile app continues to form an increasing share within the online volume with over 50 per cent of new accounts being opened with e-KYC, and over 50 per cent of leads generated through online sources.