Five people were taken to a hospital yesterday night, while the rest were treated at the scene for burns to their feet and lower extremities, Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans said.
The hot coals were spread outside the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center as part of a four-day Robbins seminar called "Unleash the Power Within."
It's a regular part of some of Robbins' seminars; more than 20 people were treated for foot burns after an event in 2012 in San Jose, California.
It was the second time he's walked on hot coals; the first he described as a "very good experience" at a Robbins seminar a few months ago in Florida.
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He said the difference yesterday was that it appeared staff members didn't allow the coals to cool enough before adding more to the pile, which was about 3 to 4 feet wide and about 20 feet long. He realized halfway through his walk over the coals that he'd suffered burns.
After his walk, Gold, 44, said it felt like someone had "taken a hot iron and pressed it against my feet." He also said he saw a girl who was crying and others complaining of burns; his fiancee had minor burns.
"I'm not even sure I could do it again, because now I have this massive fear of fire," he said, adding later that he still believes Robbins helps a lot of people and that it was staff members who "weren't following directions properly."
"Someone not familiar with the fire walk observed the event and called 911 erroneously reporting hundreds of people requiring medical attention for severe burns," according to the statement.