On December 22, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced that the government has decided to celebrate "Tipu Jayanti" and the date would be decided shortly.
"There has been a lot of pressure from various quarters to celebrate Tipu Jayanti. We have decided to take this into consideration and will announce the date shortly," Siddaramaiah had said at the release of a book "Tipu Sultan: A Crusader for Change" by historian Prof B Sheik Ali.
BJP leader Suresh Kumar said Tipu cannot be considered as a person whose birthday should be celebrated by the government, claiming that the erstwhile Mysuru ruler had committed barbaric acts against people including Kodavas (in Kodagu district).
"We (BJP) have our own viewpoint on Tipu Sultan about his administration, especially when you go to Coorg (Kodagu) and other places where people still remember the barbaric acts committed against Coorgis, who refused to oblige his dictates. So, Tipu cannot be considered as a person whose birthday should be celebrated by the state government," he claimed.