Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley said the issue of autonomy of CBI has been discussed at length in the debate over the Lokpal Bill as well as during the meeting of the select committee of the Upper House.
He said the Select Committee has already given its recommendation on the matter and the Union Cabinet has approved most of these.
Jaitley said there were differences between the government and the Opposition on certain points, but there was a broad agreement on most of the issues regarding autonomy of CBI.
The government yesterday constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM), headed by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, to prepare a draft law to insulate CBI from external influence and a draft affidavit within three weeks in the Supreme Court which had made scathing observations on the agency.
The Group of Ministers will deliberate on ways to further strengthen CBI's autonomy and safeguard it from any kind of outside interferences.