"Now films are being made for a certain class. A producer once said to me 'I don't care if my film is not released in UP, MP or Bihar. It must release in metros'. He's saying that 75 percent of Indians don't matter. This is our development. This reflects even for our news channels. How can they go against those who give them Advertisements?," said 68-year-old Akhtar while attending ASSOCHAM's annual Summit on Entertainment and Media.
"We have entered industrial age with an age old feudal mind. You should see what kind of contracts the entertainment channels get in with musicians, directors or a writer. And these contracts have been made in a country where bonded labour is banned.
"If you try to exploit or repress someone else in a better position... He will exploit and repress you. We lack sense of equality. We need to change basic moral values," he added.