Madhya Pradesh Finance Minister Tarun Bhanot said Thursday that the newly-elected Congress-led government will take steps to bring in financial discipline to the state.
Speaking to reporters here, he also assured that there would be no increase in taxes.
"As of now we have no plans to increase the tax burden on the people. A review meeting on the state's financial condition will be held in Bhopal Friday," Bhanot said.
After assessing the situation, "we will take steps to have financial discipline," he said.
He also said he has asked officials to obtain balance sheets of various public corporations and institutions for a review.
Madhya Pradesh's debt is over Rs 1.75 lakh crore, he said.
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Chief Minister Kamal Nath has set an example of fiscal discipline by not spending money on advertising his decision to give a loan waiver to farmers, he said.
Nath, soon after taking oath last month, announced a loan waiver of upto Rs 2 lakh for farmers.
Bhanot said the government saved crores of rupees by not issuing advertisements or putting up hoardings to give publicity to the decision.
The Congress-led government will focus on improving the infrastructure at schools and imparting quality education, the finance minister said.