The Madhya Pradesh BJP on Friday opposed a move by the Congress-led state government to allow opening of 'sub -liquor shops' and claimed it would create problems for the public, women in particular.
The notification on sub liquor shops in rural and urban areas was issued on Thursday night, with government officials claiming the move was aimed at increasing revenue for the state hit by a cash crunch.
As per the order, existing liquor shop owners, after paying licence fee, can open a sub-shop five kilometres away in urban areas and 10 kilometres away in rural areas.
Former Chief Minister and BJP national vice president Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Friday wrote a letter to CM Kamal Nath claiming the move was a "New Year gift to the liquor mafia in the state".
"With this decision, some 2000-25000 new liquor shops will get opened in MP, which ultimately will result in rise in crime, especially against women," Chouhan wrote.
Chouhan, in his letter, claimed it would lead to addiction among youth.
"I strongly oppose this anti-people decision and appeal to you on behalf of nearly 7.5 crore people of MP to take it back in public interest," he added.