In a bid to expand green cover in Madhya Pradesh, the state government today said it would plant 1.65 crore saplings of environmentally crucial Bargad (Banyan) and other tress till 2020.
"As part of a campaign to save Bargad trees and other trees of ficus family, we will plant 15 lakh saplings after the onset of monsoon in the region," Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Research, Extension and Social Forestry) PC Dube told reporters on the occasion of World Environment Day.
While 50 lakh saplings will be planted in 2019, one crore saplings will be planted across the entire state in 2020, Dube said.
From environmental point of view, Bargad trees are very important as many animals, birds and micro species get food and shelter under it, he said.
He said an amount of Rs five lakh would be given to a forest department nursery in Badgonda village in Indore district towards development of "Ficus Van" in two hectare area.