The state had estimated tax revenue realisation at Rs 66,479 crore but it fell short by Rs 29,912 crore, according to the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) for Madhya Pradesh for 2014-15.
The state government's expenditure, however, shot up by Rs 446.28 crore from its estimate, it said.
The CAG report tabled in the Legislative Assembly recently notes that the revised budget estimate for 2014-15 of Rs 66,479 crore projected by the state was unrealistic.
The growing volume of debt has resulted in increasing liability for servicing the debt, the report underlines.
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The priority given to expenditure on social sector and on education and health sectors in MP was 'not adequate' during 2014-15 when compared with general category states' average, it says.
The state government sanctioned an advance amounting to Rs 1.08 crore from the contingency fund to Urban Administration and Development Department.
The expenditure was incurred during the year, however, an advance from the contingency fund remained 'unrecouped'.