In a letter written to Air India Chairman Rohit Nandan,the MP said that on April 28, Air India carried the body of brave-heart Major Mukund Varadrajan, who was killed in an encounter with militants at Shopian in Jammu and Kashmir, from Srinagar to Delhi and then onward to Chennai where his family lives.
"A request from the Army officer accompanying the body of the slain officer on the Srinagar-Delhi flight, that an announcement be made that his mortal remains were on board was turned down by the airline crew, citing aviation rules.
The Rajya Sabha MP from Karnataka urged the Air India chairman "to find out the people involved in this incident. I would also request you to let me know what are the aviation rules' that were quoted in this instance."
He said if rules prevent the people from honouring their heroes, "then they need to be changed or abolished altogether.A nation must honour its brave people who sacrifice their lives for the country."