"The MUDRA scheme evolved and implemented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a game changer aimed at benefitting seven crore entrepreneurs. As much as Rs 1,22,500 crore has been set apart to provide assistance through banks to youth to relieve themselves of the unemployment problem," he said.
Raja said the NDA government was implementing the MUDRA Yojana in keeping with its poll promise of generating jobs for not less than one crore persons every year.
Raja said the 'Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana' was a poor man's friendly scheme and hassle-free accounts could be opened in banks. As many as 20 crore bank accounts had been opened till date, he said.
The Make in India and one on Skill Development'were among 'path breaking programmes' conceptualised by the PM, he said.
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He said the recently launched programme to encourage start-ups would also be of help for augmenting employment.
Raja rubbished the charge by some political parties that the NDA government was pro-corporate, pointing out that the common man could now open bank accounts and draw benefits of various subsidies and benefits under direct benefit transfer system through banks.
"The country is making rapid strides in economic growth, in generating employment, development of skill and training for the youth, which could never be dreamt and visualised during the previous UPA rule," he said.
He urged party cadres to explain to the people the various schemes of the NDA government.