A 54-year-old filmmaker has beenarrested by Mumbai Crime Branch for allegedly duping a person of Rs 20 lakh after promising to get his loan processed, an official said on Friday.Producer-director Ajay Yadav, who also runs a finance firm, was held from Andheri on Thursday on the complaint of Delhi-based businessman Sanjay Lamba, Unit XI Senior Inspector Chimaji Adhav said."Lamba filed a complaint on February 15 claiming Yadav took Rs 20 lakh from him after promising to get a Rs 200 crore loan processed. However, after taking the money, Yadav stopped taking Lamba's calls," he said.Yadav claims to have directed six movies, namely 'Bada Overtime', 'Love Phir Kabhi', 'Run Bankha', 'Suspense' and 'Sakshi', he said."Our probe has shown that Yadav has duped 8-9 people to the tune of Rs 1.25 crore. We have recovered Rs 11 lakh from him. He was remanded in police custody till February 25," Adhav added.