Life Insurance Corporation of India's advance tax outgo went up to Rs 679 crore from the year ago's Rs 638 crore, while that of largest private sector lender ICICI Bank moved up to Rs 600 crore from Rs 500 crore, sources said.
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation paid Rs 611 crore against Rs 440 crore last year.
State Bank of India and Reliance Industries, two of the biggest tax payers in the financial capital, are yet to pay the first installment of the annual tax outgo, sources said, pointing out that tomorrow is the last day for the payment.
When asked for the overall picture, a senior official said it is difficult to analyse the trend as the payments of many corporates were yet to come. "Overall, they seem to be OK," he said.
Mumbai Income tax department contributes a bulk of the overall tax collections in the country. It has set a target of Rs 2,07,545 crore for FY14 against the Rs 1,75,000 crore it collected last fiscal.