Mumbai police chief Rakesh Maria initiated a probe into Thursday's raids by the Malwani police at Madh Island and Aksa beach which has been criticised as moral policing.
Considering strong public reactions and criticism against the city police's moral policing, Maria instructed Additional Commissioner of Police (North) Fatehsingh Patil to conduct an inquiry, according to police sources.
On August 6, Malwani police station sleuths led by DCP (Zone XI) Vikram Deshpande had raided hotels, lodges, resorts at Madh and Aksa beach.
Three women were also booked under the Immoral Trafficking Act and sent to a shelter, the police said.
The police raids had taken place at around 3 p.m and people who were picked up were let off the same day after being fined Rs 1,200 each, the police said.
Considering strong public reactions and criticism against the city police's moral policing, Maria instructed Additional Commissioner of Police (North) Fatehsingh Patil to conduct an inquiry, according to police sources.
On August 6, Malwani police station sleuths led by DCP (Zone XI) Vikram Deshpande had raided hotels, lodges, resorts at Madh and Aksa beach.
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The police picked up 13 couples as well as 35 others and charged them for so called "indecent behaviour" in public under Section 110 of the Maharashtra Police Act, formerly known as the Bombay Police Act, or Local Case Act (LAC), Malwani police station's senior inspector Milind Khetle said.
Three women were also booked under the Immoral Trafficking Act and sent to a shelter, the police said.
The police raids had taken place at around 3 p.m and people who were picked up were let off the same day after being fined Rs 1,200 each, the police said.