Actor Varun Dhawan on Thursday drew the ire of Mumbai Police after a daily carried his picture showing him clicking a selfie with a fan from his car while stuck in traffic.
Mumbai Police, through its official Twitter handle, said it is issuing a challan to "Judwaa 2" actor and warned him against repeating the offence.
"Varun Dhawan these adventures surely work on the silver screen, but certainly not on the roads of Mumbai. You have risked your life, your admirer's and few others."
"We expect better from a responsible Mumbaikar and youth icon like you! An e-challan is on the way to your home. Next time, we will be harsher," the tweet added.
The post also carried a snapshot of newspaper picture in which Varun, partly out of his car's window, is taking a selfie with an excited female fan who was travelling in an autorickshaw. He is not seen wearing a seat belt in the picture.
Replying to the Mumbai Police's post, Varun apologised for the offence and posted, "My apologies... Our cars weren't moving since we were at a traffic signal.
"I didn't want to hurt the sentiment of a fan but next time I'll keep safety in mind and won't encourage this," he added.
Mumbai Police, through its official Twitter handle, said it is issuing a challan to "Judwaa 2" actor and warned him against repeating the offence.
"Varun Dhawan these adventures surely work on the silver screen, but certainly not on the roads of Mumbai. You have risked your life, your admirer's and few others."
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The post also carried a snapshot of newspaper picture in which Varun, partly out of his car's window, is taking a selfie with an excited female fan who was travelling in an autorickshaw. He is not seen wearing a seat belt in the picture.
Replying to the Mumbai Police's post, Varun apologised for the offence and posted, "My apologies... Our cars weren't moving since we were at a traffic signal.
"I didn't want to hurt the sentiment of a fan but next time I'll keep safety in mind and won't encourage this," he added.
My apologies