In what is an alarming spike, Mumbai recorded its highest single-day count of 11,163 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, which pushed the city's caseload to 4,52,445, the civic body said.
With the death of 25 patients, the fatality count of the metropolis reached 11,776, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said in a statement.
A total of 5,263 patients were discharged from hospitals, which took the recovery count to 3,71,628.
As many as 43,597 tests were conducted across the city on Sunday, which took its overall test count to 42,49,175, the BMC said.
The COVID-19 recovery rate of Mumbai district is 82 per cent, while the case growth rate from March 28 to April 3 was 1.61 percent. The case doubling rate is 42 days, the statement said.