A woman helped police nab threehistory-sheeters and seize a foreign-made pistol and five live cartridges in Wadala area of Mumbai, an official said on Tuesday.He identified the arrested persons as Shamshad Ali Siddique alias Sameer Hunter (32), Kundan Gopal Singh Negi (39) and Sakib Hameed Girgaonkar (42), all of whom have many cases against their names."Siddique kept a bag in the Wadala house of a woman named Neelofer Kazi, whom he got to know some two months ago. When she realised it contained a pistol, cartridges and a knife, she alerted her elder brother Salaam Kazi. The siblings then approached police," he said.The three history-sheeters were arrested and a probe found the pistol belonged to Negi, an official said.They have been remanded in police custody till March 13, said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Port Zone) Rashmi Karindikar.