Justice Mukta Gupta has sought the Delhi government's response by May 7 on Tyagi's plea seeking interim bail for 45 days "to consummate his marriage and attain fatherhood, as right to become parent/father/mother should be read as part and parcel of Article 21 of the Constitution."
Sandeep Tyagi, a former CRPF personnel, had married on February 1, 2008 but got embroiled in a kidnap-cum-murder case on October 25 same year and since then he has been lodged in a jail here.
"The plight of young woman, whose husband is in jail and parents and in-laws not in talking terms with her, can best be understood by a woman," the petition said.
In his plea, Tyagi has also submitted that the couple could not consummate their marriage and plan their children as at the time the marriage she was preparing for for SSC exams, and it was a pre-requisite that a candidate should not be pregnant at the time of interview.