Additional District and Session Judge convicted the three accused-- Madan Lal Varkhade alias Ayugchandra Mouli, Santosh alias Jagdeesh and Jhinia Bai alias Rukhmabai-- and also slapped a fine of Rs 10,000 each, CBI Press Information Officer R K Gaur said here today.
"CBI had registered a case on February 29, 2000 relating to murder of Likhiram Kaware, then Transport Minister of MP during the intervening night of December 15-16, 1999 in Balaghat district," he said.
"After a thorough probe, a chargesheet was filed in the Court of Additional Sessions Judge, Balaghat on October 4, 2000. The Additional Sessions Judge, Balaghat had convicted four accused persons, Bhaiyalal, Makhan, Chetram and Lalita and sentenced them to undergo Life Imprisonment on June 25, 2005. The said three absconding accused persons were later arrested and the trial against them was started," he said.
The trial court found the said accused persons guilty and convicted them, Gaur said.