Four of them, including key accused Mohammed Shamim and Syed Ali Nawaz, were arrested in Bangalore yesterday in a joint operation involving police personnel from Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, while the other two were detained here this morning in connection with the June 18 murder of Hindu Munnani leader Suresh Kumar, a city police release said.
The other two, identified as Mohammed Shafiullah and Sadik Batsha, were held on the charge of harbouring the key accused.
Nawaz was also allegedly involved in the attack on the BJP functionary besides being wanted in some other cases, the release added.
Based on the information provided by the arrested persons, two of their accomplices, Abu Thahir and Abdul Hakkim, were arrested at the Central mofussil bus stand at Koyambedu here this morning, the release said adding all the arrests were made by various special teams formed to probe the murder.
He was rushed to a private hospital in a critical condition but died without responding to treatment. Police registered a case under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) and had earlier arrested four persons.