Burak Ulas from the Izmir Turk College Planetarium in Turkey used star oscillations as a source for a musical composition.
Astronomers have long associated celestial bodies with music, the twinkling of some stars offers a tempting back-beat and some stars in particular offer a variety of opportunities.
Ulas noted one such star, Y Cam A, offered enough oscillation data for its use in creating chords.
It is actually a binary, which accounts for its twinkling, but instead of a steady on-off blinking, the system actually oscillates at four different frequencies.
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To jazz up the piece, Ulas added music he had created before (played on a piano) based on Y Cam A's whole tones that corresponded to a diminished whole tone scale, which is often used in jazz music.
Ulas envisions using the oscillations from a multitude of other various stars to drive music played on a variety of instruments.