"The objective of the new facility Muthoot Gold Point is to cater to the burgeoning individual household need to recycle unwanted, old and used gold jewellery, by buying scrap, old and used gold items directly from customers," Keyur Shah, CEO, Precious Metals Business of MPG told PTI.
Stating that India, one of the largest importers of gold in the world, already has an estimated stock of more than 25,000 tonnes in custody of private households and temple trusts, Shah said only 200 to 300 tonnes are recycled annually, leading to a very high dependence on imports.
The new facility would ensure transparency and good valuation, by weighing, purity testing and buy based on the day to day price in the market, unlike that given purely on estimation by most of the unorganised sector, Shah said.
The company planned to open such facilities in Chennai and Madurai this fiscal in Tamil Nadu, a state which consumes 70 per cent of South India's consumption, Shah said.
The company will in future buy such gold from temple trusts and also banks, which have large stocks, Thomas said.