"This is for the first time an embossed silver coin is being introduced for an actor. About Rs 20 crore has been invested for manufacturing and branding activities. The silver coins will be available from the day one of the movie release", Muthoot Pappachan Group, Precious Metals Division, CEO Keyur Shah told reporters here.
Directed by Pa Ranjith, the movie has Rajinikanth playing the lead role. It has music composed by Santhosh Narayan.
"We will be taking up several marketing activities across various platforms, including television and print media", he said, adding the coins would be available across 3,800 outlets of Muthoot Fincorp.
A television commercial across Tamil, Telugu and Hindi languages was released on the occasion.
The makers of 'Kabali' have also tied up with budget air carrier AirAsia and telecom operator Bharti Airtel for the promotional campaigns.